Orion Agro Products Ltd.
Why we are here : Orion Agro Products Ltd.
Mushroom is one of the most valuable agricultural products and has an all-set demand in global market. The key advantage to thrive an export oriented mushroom industry in Bangladesh is significant low labor cost.
Orion Agro Products is committed to commercially cultivate White Button Mushroom, canning and then supplying unique, innovative and high quality products for sale for supermarkets, foodservice and for preparation of processed, canned, and frozen mushroom products.
This is the first in Bangladesh to commercially cultivate White Button Mushrooms by using raw materials, technology and experts from the Netherlands. It is Orion’s another project of White Mushroom cultivation parallel with the Panbo Bangla Mushroom to meet the tremendously growing demand of mushroom.
Utilizing the best European technologies and cultivation techniques devised by globally renowned Dutch technicians, this facility is one of its kinds and the largest of its category in Bangladesh. The Project's participation in this sector expectantly reduces rural poverty and foster sustainable economic development of the country.
Among prospective horticultural products, mushroom is now a prime concern worldwide as a dietary supplement due to its rich medicinal value. But the scientific mushroom production in Bangladesh is very low in supply in comparison to its demand. The entire production is exported in Europe.
An international export oriented firm, strategically located for the production of high quality mushrooms. Orion Agro Products Ltd is uniquely positioned to deliver the best, most innovative mushroom products possible to consumers worldwide.